i'm retroactiv, but you can call me retro
male | 19 | bisexual | he/they (no preference)
i'm not too talkative with people i'm not entirely familiar with, and i can easily get nervous around others, so bear with me
that being said, one thing i do like talking about are any of my interests, i'm not too good with small talk though
i like crying about stupid video games and will sadly continue to do so for the rest of my life


you can add/follow me on any of these if you’d like:
twitter: @retrostarultra
instagram: @bigbopsodapop
discord: retroactiv#7856
switch fc: 3166-5835-2897


video games are my main interest
i'm a fan of a lot of genres, almost any kind of RPG, puzzle, platformer, shooter, simulation, rhythm, etc.
i play games mostly casually, rarely do i try to be competitive with certain games
some games/series i’m into:
(major interests in bold)
super smash bros.
animal crossing
super mario
kid icarus
sonic the hedgehog
super monkey ball
shovel knight
hollow knight
along with many other indie games and
stupid nintendo games


other/minor interests include:
art (i like to draw, but i don’t share my drawings publicly a lot)
famitracker (i'm a novice and i'm still learning the program, but i have a playlist full of some covers/songs i've made so far, linked below)
music (i don't listen to too much, but i like to listen to some 80s, rock, and jpop genres)
studio ghibli (favorite work is laputa/castle in the sky)
cartoons (like gravity falls, infinity train, the owl house, amphibia, and others, etc.)
and a few other miscellaneous things too.

i'd much rather not interact if you:
- you hold serious racist, ableist, LGBTphobic, or antisemitic beliefs.
- you support things like pedophilia, NFTs, or anything related to any of these.
- you are purposely being an asshole to me, or people i know.
- you knowingly support anyone who does, or is anything mentioned above.
overall, just be a cool person and we'll probably be able to get along

take one